Friday, August 20, 2010

matt cipov

Matt Cipov is a hard man to research. All i could find was this.

"My name is Matt M. Cipov and I live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with my wife Lynda and my 15 month old son Max. I have lived in Wisconsin all of my life and I really love it here, it's a good place to strive to be an individual without getting lost in the fray. I graduated from the Milwaukee Institure of Art and Design in 1999 and ever since then I have been directly involved in art and graphic design work. As of late 2005 I have been a self-employed artist and designer and I am extremely glad I decided to take the plunge into working on my has taught me quite a lot about myself and it has also helped me grow considerably as an artist. I have been able to take on projects I would never have dreamt of a few years ago.

As far as personal bits and pieces, I adore watching documentaries, I have never broken a bone, I love pizza and Asian foods, I am addicted to my computer, my music collection is an ever growing beast, I might be an adult, but I still love toys."

I love his pieces. They are graphic and funny and make me want to look at them more.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aimee.

    I am pretty easy to track down. You can always email me here:

    If you ever have any questions, I'm available.

    Have a rad day.

