so i'm going to try to get on here every day although that is asking for a lot. I know it's prob not gonna happen every day but that's ok. Better than nothing I suppose. So i already have a lot of artists that i've been looking at and i couldn't sleep so I tried to create some artwork inspired by Timothy Duong (his work titled Sketch of Shakti Sackett is on the left). I loved this piece and it really made me want a ball point pen... honestly i have none. must add that to my list. I just love his spontenity or however u spell it as well as the overall energy and emotion i get out of his pieces. I also love the collage quality to his works. I couldn't really find out much about him and I'm pretty sure he's not a professional artist. for all i know he could be another art student at a school doing the same thing i'm doing right now. well I attempted (on a few hours of sleep) to create works inspired by his art. (this was rather difficult since my supplies were limited to a purple color pencil, blue acrylic paint and a sharpie) if u want to see more of his stuff then go to www.timothyduong.com
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