Sunday, May 30, 2010

this makes me want to fly to germany right now I am totally in LOVE with this exhibition. The first time I stumbled upon this online I just could not look away. I watched all the videos and even made my friends watch it. I love the movement and the simplicity of it and yet it's still able to tell a story and evoke emotion which i found very interesting. I was a bit upset that I couldn't figure out the artist. All the video said was that they were commissioned and that's bout it. More artist posts later. I'm still in a bit of awe right now and a bit of jealousy because I could never create something like that.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

theme so far

ok so i've kinda narrowed it down to my medium... i want to create collages of some sort but i am having trouble coming up with an overall theme for my body of work. I want it to be humorous... maybe I could depict my life here at college and all the crazy experiences I've had. I want my pieces to be able to tell a story... Now i just have to figure out how im going to do that

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

John Kenn

My monster drawings made me think of John Kenn's "Gorey" like drawings. I love edward gorey and his sarcastic outlook on life. Kenn's pictures are often humorous and seem to follow in gorey's footsteps in terms of style. They both rely mostly on pen and ink. I feel that many people might now understand Kenn's work or think that it's creepy but to me it's just funny and interesting. It reminds me of what one would see in a crazy dream. Kenn's monsters make mine look like a disney character. The only downside to Kenn's work is that even though I could find a lot of it I couldn't find much on the artist himself.


This is my boss kurt as a monster... he does ice sculptures with his chainsaw... i was bored on break and locked out of my room

and this is my coworker justina... she's got her "cut glove" on... it's basically this pretty awesome prison orange Kevlar glove so that we don't cut ourselves

Monday, May 17, 2010

Sean Landers

“My original idea was to make conceptual art entertaining, sloppy, emotional, human and funny. Over the years I got so far out on this conceptual limb that I went around full circle until I was a traditional artist again. I tried to be ironic about it but eventually became sincere. Now I’m a happy victim of my own charade. I figure that it’s better to be a sucker who makes something than a wise guy who is too cautious to make anything at all.”
When i first google imaged this man I was a bit confused as to what his artwork was all about because he was so over the place. I saw an abundance of "word" art, using text to create a message as well as some surrealistic looking paintings. I also saw monkey sculptures and wax nudes. I though to myself this man is all over the place but one thing you can tell throughout all his work is that he definitely has an opinion and a sense of humor in what he creates. Thats why when i read this quote from him it made sense. I can identify with some of his ideas. My work is oftentimes not as neat as it could be but I think it contains emotion or humor. I think that's the whole reason to create art anyway. we create it when we're emotional and we want to evoke an emotion with our work. It is a bit difficult to completely identify with this artist. he seems a bit on the crazy side for me but that's because I can't really find that much about him other than that he hit it big in the 90's and doesn't stick to one medium. His performance pieces and installations as well as his nude series in a forest made me laugh though at their ridiculousness but maybe that's the point.


So i've kind of been avoiding starting my sketchbook but today i figured was better than never. I only created one page but it's a start. I just did some "light collaging" as I would call it lol. I think im leaning more toward this medium for senior sem. prob not entirely collage but i would like to incorporate it. Now I just have to figure out how to make it my own and make it more than just an arts and crafts project. (easier said than done)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


so i found this site with tons of really cool layouts from artists sketchbooks. it's
I love the hand drawn quality that many of these have as well the collage techniques used. I really like David Fullarton's layout here. i love his use of words as well. I guess I just like that it's witty. I want my artwork to make people laugh as well as think.
I love his website as well. He works primarily in painting, drawing and illustrations and is ultimately a freelance artist.

here is a video of him working. he is the man in the hat drawing.
lastly i just fell in love with his artist statement. it is so much better than mine. sigh.


"David Fullarton is a Scottish born, San Francisco based artist. He keeps notebooks filled with scraps of paper, scribbled phrases, and other ephemera that he incorporates into his artwork. These elements represent the often overlooked stuff of daily life, which is the root of Fullarton’s inspiration. He sees beauty in the ways people manage to find joy and meaning in the minutiae. The artist paints vibrantly complex canvases whose elements jumble and mix together in a facsimile of modern life. Fullarton compliments these with smaller mixed media drawings on paper. These paper works are sometimes the genesis of the finished paintings, but are more often stand-alone vignettes featuring forlorn characters who find themselves in compromising situations. "

Thursday, May 6, 2010

beautiful day

stick letters!!!! i was inspired by nature lol

Monday, May 3, 2010

my attempt

My attempts at art inspired by Timothy Duong. Not quite what I was hoping for but maybe when i'm more awake and have more time I'll produce something I love more.

Day 1: I can't sleep

so i'm going to try to get on here every day although that is asking for a lot. I know it's prob not gonna happen every day but that's ok. Better than nothing I suppose. So i already have a lot of artists that i've been looking at and i couldn't sleep so I tried to create some artwork inspired by Timothy Duong (his work titled Sketch of Shakti Sackett is on the left). I loved this piece and it really made me want a ball point pen... honestly i have none. must add that to my list. I just love his spontenity or however u spell it as well as the overall energy and emotion i get out of his pieces. I also love the collage quality to his works. I couldn't really find out much about him and I'm pretty sure he's not a professional artist. for all i know he could be another art student at a school doing the same thing i'm doing right now. well I attempted (on a few hours of sleep) to create works inspired by his art. (this was rather difficult since my supplies were limited to a purple color pencil, blue acrylic paint and a sharpie) if u want to see more of his stuff then go to